you know..
it's really frustrating when you are actually REALLY close to what you're aiming for...
argghhhh...*hentak pale kat dinding*
though its disappointing,but it's ok...
my result was way-far-better than the last sem..
so,i should say 'allhamdullillah'!
maybe ade hikmah disebaliknyer..
maybe it tells me its just not my time...
maybe it tells me that my hard work is still not enough...
maybe it tells me to work harder next sem...
mmg sedih..
lagi beberapa point jer...
less than 1.0...
tskk..what a waste~!
p/s:on the other side,im happy cuz at least all my hard work at least paying off.. *senyum pahit*
p/s lagik: btul ckp member sorang tuh..usaha utk mendapat dean list semasa bukan praktikal adalah lebih exciting..lain feel die..

wah...wah...congrtz fren... xp2..sbr ek..usaha lg..cube lg sem dpn...tahniah.. :)
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